Tuesday, 22 September 2009

The track: Kerne Bridge to Ross on Wye

The actual track that we took:

Monday, 21 September 2009

Kerne Bridge to Ross on Wye

Another lovely sunny day, September has been a good month for walking. A number of the group were unable to make this walk although some will tackle it separately to ensure they complete all the sections.

This section of the walk does not follow the river Wye but heads off across country. We started with a steep climb up through Warren Wood to Leys Hill using what is obviously an ancient path with trees on both sides and many rabbit warrens dug into the banks on the east side. This is a very pretty walk with lots of nice secluded properties perched on the hillside. Eventually the path leads downhill to emerge onto the road at the village of Coughton.

From here we started the steep long climb to the top of Chase Wood. A bird watching hide in the field below hinted at something interesting. It was then we saw a pair of buzzards above the tree line. Eventually we reached the top and later emerged into farm land where we stopped to admire the view towards Ross and the A40 and and had our lunch. For some reason the path is not so well signposted here and we ended up emerging from a field only to see a sign "MOD Property Keep OUT". Luckily it did not seemed to be mined, it was only the bullocks that gave as a bit of a stare.

The path then took us along some quiet paths to the south of Ross town centre and down to the riverside car park. From here we drove back to Kerne Bridge and a well earned drink at the Inn on the Wye.