Fifty eight miles left of the Wye Valley walk and this section from Hay on Wye to Boughrood will reduce it by eight. We retraced our steps from the last walk to take us back to the edge of the town to start the walk. From here we descended to the river and crossed the bridge heading to Wycliff woods where we followed the river to Llowes. The last half mile, being along the A438 was hard on the feet.
From here we set off across country, eventually returning to the river just outside Glasbury. The views of the Brecon Beacons are just wonderful even though they were sometimes covered in low cloud. It was here we stopped for lunch on the shingle beach. It drizzled lightly for a short while but undeterred we carried on with coats and umbrellas. It didn't last long and we then took a walk to the other side of the bridge to the River Cafe for a hot drink and in one case a large portion of some very rich chocolate cake.(No names mentioned!)
The final stretch took us along the river before setting out across the fields to Pistyll. A few more open fields and we returned to the river just before Boughrood and a well earned drink at the almost closed pub. On learning that there were five thirsty walkers the lights were rapidly put back on. After fetching the cars half the party returned home whilst the other half stopped off in Ross on Wye for dinner. The Kings Head Hotel served some fantastic fresh cooked food superbly presented for a very reasonable price. This has to be worth another visit, highly recommended.